
  • My Experience With Sacred Sound By Vernice McTigue

    My Experience With Sacred Sound

    By Vernice McTigue


    “One morning in the middle of last year I woke at 4am with the words and music of part of an amazing song running through my mind. I was compelled to get out of bed and somehow document the words and the music. I was given the name of the song “I Am The Universal Heart”.


    I’m able to read music while singing, but have never learned to write music. I was given the words and music to the first part of the song, which is the chorus. I recorded it into my phone and wrote down the words. Over a period of the next two weeks, I was given the remainder of the song. Whenever I sat and opened the channel; it came into my consciousness. I was told this song has a purpose and would be heard all over the world. Its purpose is to open the heart and to raise the vibration of Humanity.


  • SHA - Article Submission Guidelines


    The Sound Healing Association commitment is to support our members and share information regarding the use of sound as a therapeutic and transformational modality.

    Our newsletter Sound Reflections will share our collective experiences with Sound.  These stories will include experiences in our private practice, our community or in group events.  There’s an endless and varied amount of sound tools and practices in use around the world.  New discoveries are happening every day as individuals continue to tap into the universal consciousness and vibrational support of all things sound! 

    Featured stories will help us learn from one another by including articles in a Member Highlight section, Sound Healers on the Move, as well as featured articles from our Sound Library.  The use of sound for transformation is an ancient practice and there’s value in learning from the pioneers who came before us.  Their inspiration can foster new insights and ways of working with sound to enhance our lives today.