The SHA Member Directory

Welcome! This Directory is the heart of the Sound Healers Association. It will enable you to list yourself and to find others in the field of Sound Healing who may be doing particular work. The Directory is open to the public. May it serve as a valuable new source of clients and contacts!

Name: Judith Quin
Company/Organization: Your Whole Voice
Services: Energy Worker, Sound Healer, Vocal Sound Healer, Other...
Address: 127c Victoria Way
City: Charlton
State: England
Country: United Kingdom
Phone: +447941529322
Description: Your Voice is a reflection of every emotion or experience you have ever had, witnessed or imagined. These experiences get held and trapped in your physical body and subconscious brain and limit your belief in yourself and ability to feel fully self-expressed. Voice-vibration sound healing helps you recognise and release that stuckness, to lighten your life. Hey there. I'm Judith - a voice-vibration sound healer, vocal confidence specialist, public speaking coach. By combining my expertise and experience as a sound healer, earth light reiki and massage practitioner, classically trained professional actress, international speaker, and qualified life-coach, I have developed a way of working which combines simple and effective tools and techniques that consistently creates positive results. Your Whole Voice is a practical, powerful, and physical vocal-liberation and mindset method that releases the energetic emotional baggage your body holds on to so you find the courage to speak from a space that re-connects your voice to who you really are. I created this work for people who are ready to take leadership of their life, whether personal or professional, to be able to find and free YOUR true voice, to express yourself with clarity, confidence and conviction. To step up and change we have to be ready to be both seen and heard for the whole of who we are, and I’m here to support you in being comfortable with that. If you are ready to re-connect to the passion behind your purpose, to step in and lead from your truth with a clear and confident voice, start your journey now by looking at my services, discover what feels right for you, whether that's 1-2-1 or group work, courses or retreats. I work both online and in-person. As a simple 'way-in' you might like to try my Introduction To Voice-Vibration and Chakra Healing online self-study course, or alternatively book your complementary connection call with me to see what's best for you (all link on website.) Blessings to you Judith Q

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