The relationship between sound and light has always been fascinating. Many believe there is a one to one relationship between them. Many believe there is not. Some believe sound and light are the same thing. Others believe they are very different. This current blog is dedicated to this subject. After this initial writing, I will contribute other thoughts along with you.

The relationship between light and sound is most intriguing because both are measured as frequencies in cycles per second. Sound is measured from the ten's to the ten of thousand's of cycles per second. Light manifests as billions of cycles per second. Therefore, one way of viewing the relationship between sound and light is to assume that light is speeded up sound, or conversely, that sound is slowed down light.

The ancient Hermetic Principle of "As Above, So Below" is often quoted in regard to the relationship between sound and light. Mathematically, if you speed up a sound's frequency by doubling it forty times, you come up with a frequency that is within the parameters of light. Conversely, if you slow down light's frequency forty times, you have a frequency within the parameters of sound. The frequency of 518.7 cycles per second, which creates a note somewhat near what we call a "C" for example, when speeded up in this manner, falls within the range of what we see as a green. Or, when slowed down, this greenish colored light that vibrates at approximately 570 billion cycles per second. becomes that note "C"--at least mathematically. Very dark red vibrates at a frequency of approximately 430 billion cycles per second, which when reduced by 40 octaves becomes 391.3 cycles per second., creating the note of "G". The spectrum of violet goes from light violet at around 690 billion cycles per second (which equates to 627.8 cycles per second, creating a note somewhere around a Eb) to very dark violet at about 750 billion cycles per =second. (which when reduced 40 octaves manifests as 682.4 cycles per second, creating a note close to an F).

The question is, while the above information is mathematically correct, is it true? Is light sound and vice versa or is this relationship very different.

To my knowledge, no one has ever succeeded in turning a sound wave into a light color without the use of a computer or some other instrument which can easily effect the relationship between sound and light by having specific colors assigned to specific notes. This does not mean there is not a direct relationship between sound and light, but thus far, no one has figured out exactly what it is.

When I first became this journey into sound over 30 years ago, I also begin an examination of light and the relationship between the two. As I delved into the subject I found that many different people had expressed very different understandings about the relationship between light and sound. Within the last twenty years, the most common relationship found between musical notes and their colors matches the notes of one octave with the colors of the electromagnetic spectrum, starting with the note C. Red = C, orange = D, yellow = E, green = F, blue = G, indigo = A, and violet = B. This is a very different relationship than the octave doubling relationship discussed previously.

It may be that color and sound are two very different energy forms or it may be that there is a direct relationship of color to sound. But it may be that this relationship is much more complicated than simply taking a note and bringing it up 40 octaves to the bandwidth of light. It may be that as sound goes up the electromagnetic spectrum, that as it changes energy, the mathematics become more complicated and different than simple doubling. Many years ago, I met a visiting scientist at MIT who was working on the relationship of sound to color and had developed a formula 4 pages long on this subject. I don't know whether this formula was correct, but it is another indication of the extraordinary possibilities inherent in relating color to sound.

Is there a direct one to one relationship between sound and light? Is it purely geometric (being based upon the doubling of one to another) or is there something else? Are sound and light similar but different energies that can synergistically work with each other-with any sound carrying any color and visa versa? Or does a specific sound have to be matched with a specific color in order for there to be an effect?

I know that many of you are using some relationship between sound and light in your healing work. I invite all who utilize some relationship between sound and light to contribute to this blog.

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