Picture1_2-14.jpgPicture2_2-14.jpg    World Sound Healing Day - Feb. 14, 2021

We heal the planet, we heal ourselves.  

We heal ourselves and we heal the planet.


Dear Sound Friends:

We want to wish you the most extraordinary of positive manifestation for this coming year, including planting a seed for the co-creation of World Sound Healing Day.

As many of you may be aware, coming up on February 14, 2021 will be the 19th Annual World Sound Healing Day.

World Sound Healing Day is a global event dedicated to healing our planet through projecting intentionalized loving sounds to the Earth and all sentient beings. 

The purpose of World Sound Healing Day is to:

1). Heal Our Planet!
2). Heal Our Waters!
3). Raise Our Consciousness!


Traditionally at noon (your local time), people have sounded forth with an “AH” encoded with love as a sonic valentine to the Gaia Matrix—our Mother Earth. This year, because of the extenuating global circumstances, we’ve been guided to open up this event to be more inclusive and all encompassing. This year, we are suggesting that any sound made with the energy of love and compassion is wonderful to resonate for World Sound Healing Day. 

This healing sound can be any vocal sound — Ah, Hum, Om, etc. —any tone—crystal bowl, Tibetan bell, didjeridoo, etc. — any instrument—piano, violin, drum, etc.—or any sort of performance or sonic presentation you'd like to make. As long as it is created with the energy of love and compassion and dedicated to the purpose of World Sound Healing Day, it will be a good and appropriate sound.

This year, the 19th Annual World Sound Healing Day will be primarily a virtual event. We invite anyone who wants to present an event through whatever internet platform they prefer and post it on the Events Portal on the World Sound Healing Day website that we have created this year. 

What event you choose and how you decide to do this is totally up to you. Simply go to the Events Portal and list it. For those looking for an event to partake in, we believe there will be plenty for you to participate in and co-create, projecting loving energy to our planet on Feb. 14, 2021.

There will be much more information forthcoming about World Sound Healing Day, but as noted, we wanted to plant a seed of manifestation for Global Harmonization. No need to organize a live event but rather contemplate a virtual experience you’d like to share with others.

As we begin the 2021 New Year, let the sacred resonance of the 19th Annual World Sound Healing Day begin to vibrate with us. Happy New Year!

Blessings of Light & Love through Sound,

Jonathan Goldman & the Healing Sounds Family

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