FEBRUARY 14, 2021
Events Portal is now open
The most important co-creator of World Sound Healing day is – YOU!
If you are planning on hosting a World Sound Healing Day event, please post your event title, best web link for the event, your location & event time, and any other contact details you would like to share so that other people can join in and participate in the Event Portal! Events can be posted by groups or single individuals who wish to participate and experience the interconnected resonance of World Sound Healing Day.
As a special gift to everyone hosting an event, we are offering a free download of an hour long recording of the AH tone. This recording may be played to help set the sonic space at any gathering you may be leading, or to enhance any personal meditation. After you post your event, we will email you the download link directly.
We trust that this year through the Events Page Portal, there will be a wide variety of different co-created sonic offerings.
We welcome any sound—vocal, instrumental, etc.—or performance manifested with the energy of love and compassion and dedicated to the purpose of World Sound Healing Day. We thank you for your participation!
Together we can create symphonies of consciousness that can change the available frequencies with our own sounds!
Jonathan and Andi Goldman
and the Sound Healers Association