The SHA Member Directory

Welcome! This Directory is the heart of the Sound Healers Association. It will enable you to list yourself and to find others in the field of Sound Healing who may be doing particular work. The Directory is open to the public. May it serve as a valuable new source of clients and contacts!

Profile Image First Name Last Name Company/Organization Services State Country
Joy Adler Alternative Healing Arts/Joyful Music for Healing Energy Worker, Musician/Vocalist, Performance Musician/Vocalist, Shamanic Healer, Sound Healer, Teacher, Tuning Forks, Vocal Sound Healer New York United States
David and Matilda Aeolia Noeo Formations - Aeolia Vocal Sound Healer N/A France
Kwasha Aleha Healing Touch Of The Heart Shamanic Healer California United States
Lisa Alexander Alexander Method of Sound Therapy , Centers, Institutions & Schools, Energy Worker, Researcher, Sound Healer, Teacher, Tibetan Bowls, Tuning Forks Pennsylvania United States
Lesley Almer Universal Touch Vocal Sound Healer California United States
Jennifer Aurelia Aureliaslight Vocal Sound Healer Connecticut United States
Kiri Avery Sonic Ease LLC Didjeridoo, Energy Worker, Sound Healer, Tuning Forks Louisiana United States
Laura Baker Sound Healer Ohio United States
Eduardo Balazs Musicland Gong Therapy N/A Chile
Lindsay Barn Sound Healer Scotland United Kingdom
Guy Beider Sound Medicine Academy Centers, Institutions & Schools, Energy Worker, Gong Therapy, Music Therapist, Performance Musician/Vocalist, Researcher, Sound Healer, Teacher, Tibetan Bowls, Tuning Forks New York United States
Katherine Bell Transpersonal Development Energy Worker Missouri United States
Dhyani Bella Eka Love Wellness Sound Healer, Teacher, Tibetan Bowls California United States
Mylen Benardo Zen Mylen Healing and Meditation Energy Worker, Musician/Vocalist, Performance Musician/Vocalist, Sound Healer, Vocal Sound Healer, Other... New York United States
avigail berg-panitz TheSoundWell Energy Worker, Music Therapist, Psychotherapist, Sound Healer, Teacher Florida United States
Dani Bias A little bit Bias studio Body Worker, Energy Worker, Sound Healer, Tibetan Bowls, Tuning Forks Pennsylvania United States
Sandra Bigelow Sandra Bigelow Consulting Energy Worker Oregon United States
Jacquie Bird Jacquie Bird, Spiritual Wellness , Energy Worker, Sound Healer, Tibetan Bowls, Tuning Forks, Vocal Sound Healer, Other... New Jersey United States
Mark Bottemiller Mirabella Healing Arts Other... Washington United States
Susie Brighten Vocal Sound Healer Arizona United States