Viktor Ogui. Master of Sound and Tibetan Singing Bowls, personal student of Lama Pema Rangdrol, Doctor of Tibetan medicine Nida Changtsang, organizer of research and practical expeditions to Tibet (Kailash-Manasarovar-Gug), Ladakh (Old Part of Tibet), Himalayas (Nepal: Annapurna, Milarepa Cave), The places of power of Khakassia (natural complex "Chests", "Ancestors' Trail", Bele Lake and Tus, Caves: Kuskulak, Pandora's Box, Master Massage, Healer, Traditional Reiki Master, Master Teacher at the International Festival "Call 13 Shamans" in Tuva, Honorary Member of the Russian Federation the Russian Association of Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation of Sick and Disabled Persons, the National Society of Aesthetic Medicine, the Russian Professional Medical Association of Traditional and Traditional Medicine (RASM, the National Federation of Massage Therapists (NP NFM)), the author of numerous books and textbooks on massage - Tcering Ngodrub. |