The SHA Member Directory

Welcome! This Directory is the heart of the Sound Healers Association. It will enable you to list yourself and to find others in the field of Sound Healing who may be doing particular work. The Directory is open to the public. May it serve as a valuable new source of clients and contacts!

Name: Michelle Alva
Company/Organization: Pureselfinc
Services: Body Worker, Energy Worker, Shamanic Healer, Sound Healer, Tibetan Bowls, Tuning Forks
Address: 1408 Brickell Bay Dr
City: Miami
State: Florida
Country: United States
Phone: 1-800-978-0089
Description: Michelle Alva holds a degree in Physical Therapy and has been practicing for over 28 years. She has certifications in Yoga, Hypnosis, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Tantra, Psych-K®, Life Coaching, Reiki, Therapeutic Touch®, Shamanic Healing, Sound Healing, and Belly Dancing. Michelle Alva is the creator of The ALVA Method and is here to guide you to Amplify Love & Vibrate Abundance! The ALVA Method is a simple and effective way for you to shift limiting subconscious beliefs that are blocking you from reaching your goals in life! This multi-sensory approach will strengthen your connection to your intuitive body wisdom and authentic self. It combines ancient wisdom with modern science to educate and empower men and women to transform fear to love. Michelle has created over 100 meditations to empower us to Align to Love. Her you tube is MichelleAlvaTV She works with women, men, couples, and groups via phone, or in person. She is offering a Retreat in Costa Rica Dec 5-9, 2023.